SuperUser Account / Monday, March 30, 2020 / Categories: Boletines de prensa NEW DATE FOR THE GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING OF MINEROS S.A. NEW DATE FOR THE GENERAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING OF MINEROS S.A. With reference to announcement published on March 24, 2020, informing about the postponement of the General Shareholders Meeting, initially programmed for March 25, 2020, and in accordance to provisions in Decree 434 of 2020, Mineros S.A. informs that the new date for the General Shareholders Meeting will be Friday, April 3, 2020, at 8 am. This will be a virtual Meeting, held under the following terms:1. To participate virtually in the General Shareholders Meeting, you shall previously register (until Thursday, April 2, at 4 pm), sending the following information to email: Natural Person:• Copy of Identification Card (CC)Shareholder Legal Person:• Certificate of Incorporation and Representation of the Chamber of Commerce• Copy of the Identification Card (CC) of the Legal RepresentativeProxy:Granted powers-of-attorney, with their corresponding annexes (copy of identification card of the power grantor for natural persons, Certificate of Chamber of Commerce of the power grantor, and copy of the Identification Card of its Legal Representative, for Legal Persons) 2. Once this information is received and verified, we will send an email with the link through which you will be able to connect to the Meeting.3. The system used in the Meeting will allow all registered partners to deliberate and make decisions through simultaneous communication. 4. Information about all decisions subject to the shareholders’ approval, continues being available in Mineros Web page, under the Section “Investors – General Shareholders Meeting”. 5. From March 2, 2020 until April 2, 2020, Mineros’ shareholders have the right to inspect Company books and documents as per Articles 446 and 447 of the Code of Commerce, upon written request sent to email 6. Additionally, to guarantee shareholders’ rights, Mineros, at its own expense, has arranged a scheme that allows shareholders to be represented by one of the proxies mentioned below, whose profiles can be checked at Mineros Web page:• Elisa Escobar Velásquezc.c. 1.037.635.819 - T.P. 313.124• Lina Marcela Hoyos Garcíac.c. 43.272.771 - T.P. 130.325Shareholders will be able to grant powers-of-attorney, indicating the way they want to vote. Power-of-attorney forms with the respective voting instructions are available at Mineros’ Web page,, under Section “Investors – General Shareholders Meeting” and shall be sent to email address: Print 5907