MINEROS: CB - MSA: TSX Bandera de Chile Bandera de Colombia Bandera de Nicaragua

News Releases

Begin legal or administrative processes

Begin legal or administrative processes

MINEROS S.A. reports the beginning of the administrative process before CORANTIOQUIA for the collection of the compensation fee for discharge in 2016. FEE THAT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A PENALTY OR FINE, but a charge for using water as a receiving source of discharge (see attachment)

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Labor Situations

Labor Situations

We disclose information on the signing of the MINEROS S.A. Collective Agreement (see attachment).
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Labor Situations

Labor Situations

Meeting of MINEROS S.A. employees affiliated with SINTRAMIENERGÉTICA, El Bagre section (see attachment).
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Year-End Reports

Year-End Reports

MINEROS S.A. Financial Results 1Q 2017.
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Year-End Reports

Year-End Reports

2016 Year-End Reports (see attachment).
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Labor Situations

Labor Situations

The SINTRAMIENERGÉTICA trade union filed a list of demands and partial claim of the current collective work agreement that expires on April 30, 2017. The negotiations of the direct arrangement stage will start on April 5.
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Reform of Company Bylaws

Reform of Company Bylaws

Reform of the Company Bylaws approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders of MINEROS S.A. held on March 22, 2017 (see attachment).
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Mineros S.A. subsidiaries